Leandro Navarro joined the
Computer Architecture Department of UPC as an associate professor in 1988, after receiving his graduate degree on Telecommunication Engineering from UPC.
He received his Ph.D. from UPC advised by Professor Manuel Medina in 1992.
Since 1985, he is working at the Computer Architecture Department (Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors).
Member of
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) (SIGComm, SIGOPS),
APC (Association for Progressive Communications) (Council member),
IEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers) (Computer Society).
He is founding member of Pangea,
a NGO providing Internet services to not-for-profit organisations and
social movements,
founding member of two spin-off companies: Espais Telemàtics S.L., and Rededia S.L.
Generally, I am interested in distributed computing systems, networking and computing infrastructures, in terms such as sustainability, development, economics, scalability, decentralization,transparency, accountability, governance, and digital inclusion. I am part of the Distributed Systems group that I coordinate as part of the CNDS group. I have a number of research projects brewing, including:
Scientific coordination for UPC in the EU CHISTERA LeadingEdge on Holistic and foundational resource allocation framework for optimized and impactful edge computing services (2020-2023).
Other projects and activities that I've been involved with in the past include:
Cooperation for Development Centre at UPC CCD (Council member 2008-2021).
Spanish Sociedad de Computación Concurrente y Distribuida SCCD (President 2017-2021).
Scientific coordination of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Distributed Computing EMJD-DC (a 5 year contract starting in 2011/2012 ending in 2020).
Scientific coordination of the participation of eReuse.org in the Ledger project on an EU funded project, empowers people to solve problems using decentralised technologies such blockchain, peer to peer or distributed ledger technologies (2019-2020).
Scientific coordination for UPC in the LightKone project on Lightweight Computation at the Edge (2017-2019).
Scientific coordination of the national research project Community Networks and Clouds (TIN2016-77836-C2-2-R) (2017-2019).
Scientific coordination for UPC in the netCommons project on community networking infrastructures and clouds (2016-2018).
Scientific coordination of the national research project Community Networks and Clouds (TIN2013-47245-C2-1-R) (2014-2016).
Testbed: Principal Investigator (PI) for Planetlab at UPC, since 2004.
Scientific coordination of the participation of eReuse.org in the Chest project on digital social innovation on the reuse of digital devices (2015-2016).
Testbed: Scientific coordination of the experimental testbeds in Community network infrastructures: Community-Lab.net and WiBed, since 2011.
Scientific coordination of the FIRE EU Large-scale integrating project (IP) CONFINE on "Community Networks Testbed for the Future Internet" (10/2011-9/2015).
Clommunity: addressing the obstacles for communities of citizens in bootstrapping, running and expanding community-owned networks that provide community services organised as community clouds (2013-2015).
Scientific coordination of the national research project Delfin: Self-adapting distributed systems for the Future Internet (TIN2010-20140-C03-01)
Grid4All: Grid4All aims at enabling domestic users, non-profit organisations such as schools, and small enterprises, to share their resources and to access massive Grid resources when needed, envisioning a future in which access to resources is democratised, readily available, cooperative, and inexpensive (2006-2009).
SORMA: Development of methods and tools for an efficient market-based allocation of resources, through a self-organizing resource management system, using market-driven models supported by extensions for Grid infrastructures. IST European Project (2006-2009).
P2PGrid: A national integrated project on several aspects of large scale systems.
Catnets: Evaluation of the Catallaxy paradigm for decentralized operation of dynamic application networks. FET IST European Project (2004-2007).
Catnet: Catallactic mechanisms for the deployment of application networks on the Internet. (3/2002-3/2003)
CRAC: Compartición de Recursos para Aprendizaje Cooperativo (also known as GPPMCLE: Grid and Peer-to-Peer Middleware for Cooperative Learning Environments). MCYT National project (UPC, UOC, UVA) (2002-2005).
Cosaco: Components for Cooperative Learning. CICYT National project (UVA, UPC) (2001-2003).
MWeb: Distribution of Web Documents to Internet Digital Libraries
Comic: Computer-based Mechanisms of Interaction in Cooperative Work.
EPITELIO: a project for Social and Economic Integration of Citizens in Europe.
MOCCA: a research on environments for CSCW systems.
MSC: Muti-Site Computing. An experiment on High-Performance Computing and Networking for SME and Education.
I coordinate the participation of UPC in the Erasmus Mundus European Master in Distributed Computing (EMDC) (local info) (general info)
Community Networks - an open training on community networks in Spanish for Latin-America: WALC2019 Redes comunitarias (Guatemala), 2018 (Santo Domingo), and 2020 (online).
Ester López, Forwarding fault detection in Wireless Community Networks 2017
Vamis Xhagjika, Resource, Data, and Application Management for Cloud Federations and Multi-Clouds, 2017, co-supervised with Vladimir Vlassov (KTH) (EMJD-DC)
Xavier León, 2013, Economic regulation for multi tenant infrastructures
Roc Messeguer, 2012, Estimacion autom´tica de grupos en entornos de aprendizaje cooperativo con aplicaciones sensibles al contexto (Automatic estimation of groups in collaborative learning environments with context-aware applications)
Rene Brunner, 2011, Trade-off Among Timeliness, Messages and Accuracy for Large-Scale Information Management (co-supervised with Felix Freitag)
Pablo Chacín, 2011, A Middleware Framework for Self-Adaptive Large Scale Distributed Services
José Mitre, 2005, Protocolo peer-to-peer para redes de colaboración científica (Peer-to-peer protocol for scientific collaboration networks)
Oscar Ardaiz, 2004, Application Network Deployment in the Internet
Joan Manuel Marquès, 2003, LaCOLLA: una infraestructura autònoma i autoorganitzada per facilitar la col.laboració (LaCOLLA: an autonomous and self-organized infrastructure to facilitate collaboration)
Jesús Acosta, 2003, Algoritmos de consistencia rápida orientados por la demanda en sistemas distribuídos de gran escala (Fast consistency demand-driven algorithms for large-scale distributed systems)
Victor Sosa, 2002, Arquitectura para la distribución de documentos en un sistema distribuído a gran escala (A large-scale distributed architecture for document distribution)
Claudio Righetti, 2000, Fallos de Escalabilidad en Internet (Scalability problems in the Internet architecture)
Gerard Rodríguez, 1999, Federation mechanisms for large scale cooperative systems