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  Email: NPoggi AT






Nicolas Poggi received his PhD at the Computer Architecture Department (DAC) of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC - BarcelonaTech), with David Carrera as thesis advisor. And with the previous collaboration of Ricard Gavaldà and Jordi Torres. The thesis can be downloaded below.

Currently, at Databricks (Amsterdam) building the new benchmarking and monitoring infrastructure to ensure the performance and reliability of new Apache Spark releases in our cloud solution. Previously, as research lead in a on upcoming architectures for intensive data processing at the Barcelona Super Computing Center (BSC) and Microsoft Research joint centre. Also, part of the High Performance Computing (CAP) research group at DAC.


Peformance and scalability of Data intensive applications; benchmark design; Big Data; Machine Learning; Cloud and Green computing; Benchmarking and Profiling of applications; Human-Computer interaction.




  • Nicolas Poggi, Victor Cuevas-Vicenttin, Josep Lluis Berral, Thomas Fenech, Gonzalo Gomez, Davide Brini, Alejandro Montero, David Carrera Umar Farooq Minhas, Jose A. Blakeley, Donald Kossmann, Raghu Ramakrishnan, and Clemens Szyperski."Benchmarking Elastic Cloud Big Data Services under SLA Constraints". 11th TPC Technology Conference, TPCTC 2019 (VLDB collocated), Los Angeles, USA, Aug. 2019. Paper pdf   SLIDES pdf
  • Nicolas Poggi, Josep Ll. Berral, Thomas Fenech, David Carrera, Jose Blakeley, Umar Farooq Minhas, and Nikola Vujic. "The state of SQL-on-Hadoop in the Cloud".   The IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2016), Washington DC, USA, Oct. 07-Dec. 2016. pdf source
  • Todor Ivanov, Tilmann Rabl, Meikel Poess, Anna Queralt, John Poelman, Nicolas Poggi, and Jeffrey Buell. "Big Data Benchmark Compendium".   In 7th TPC Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation & Benchmarking (TPCTC 2015), 31 August, 2015, Kohala Coast, Hawai
    Published on: Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking: Traditional to Big Data to Internet of Things. Volume 9508 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Pages 135-155. pdf source
  • Nicolas Poggi, Vinod Muthusamy, David Carrera, Rania Khalaf.  "Business Process Mining from E-commerce Web Logs". Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2013, Beijing, China, August 26-30. ISBN 978-3-642-40175-6. Pages 65-80.pdf source
  • Nicolas Poggi, Toni Moreno, Josep Lluis Berral, Ricard Gavaldà, Jordi Torres.  "Self-Adaptive Utility-Based Web Session Management".  Special Issue on Autonomic and Self-Organising Systems.  Computer Networks Journal.  Volume 53, Issue 10, 14 July 2009. ISSN: 1389-1286. Pages 1712-1721. pdf source





  • Demo Exhibit at CloudScape: "ALOJA, Cost-Effective Big Data deployments in the Cloud", Nicolas Poggi. Brussels, 5 Feb 2015. source
  • Demo Exhibit at International Conference on Autonomic Computing. "EMOTIVE CLOUD : The BSC Engine for Cloud Solutions", Jordi Guitart, Íñigo Goiri, Ferran Julià, Mario Macías, David Carrera, Yolanda Becerra, Vicenç Beltran, Jordà Polo, David de Nadal, Uday Kiran, J. Oriol Fitó, Gemma Reig, Rosa M. Badia, Jorge Ejarque, Eduard Ayguadè, Javier Alonso, Josep Lluís Berral, Ricard Gavaldà, Nicolas Poggi, Jordi Torres. Barcelona, June 2009.


  E-mail: NPoggi AT         Address: UPC, Campus Nord, Modul C6 - 101 C/ Jordi Girona, 1-3. E-08034
Barcelona, Spain.

Last update: 2019/09/03